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All Things Men

Which one is better for you? Weight Training vs Bodyweight Training

There is a heated debate within the fitness community. Those who preach that you need heavy weights to pack on muscle and those who preach bodyweight exercises are best for you. Which one is right? In this article I will go over examples of each type of workout and go over the benefits of each form of training so that you can be best informed to make the right decision for you.

Weight Training

Weight training has seen many icons in its day including the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Lee Haney, Phil Heath and Chris Bumstead. All of these gigantic units of mass were all on steroids so don’t be disappointed when you don’t look like these guys after lifting for one month. Weight training however, is the reason they got to be the size that they did/are. Weight training is defined as using the force of gravity in the form of weighted bars, dumbbells or weight stacks in order to oppose the force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric contraction. Examples of weight training include bench press, deadlift, squat, bicep curls, shoulder press and many others. Previously I have written an article about the benefits I have experienced since weight training which you can find here. Below are the benefits of weight training that you can expect to see once you being working out.


  • • Improves strength and endurance.
  • • Improves balance and reduces risk of falls.
  • • Improves posture, sleep, mood, and energy levels.
  • • It helps regulate insulin.
  • • It boosts metabolism and fat loss.
  • • It keeps your bones strong and health.
  • • It helps starve off type 2 diabetes.

Bodyy Weight Training

Body weight training has become much more popular in recent times. It rose to fame from one singular video performed by Hannibal Langham that took the internet by storm in 2008. His physique is the epitome of what the notorious Greek Gods strived to look like. So if you want to get into calisthenics here is the good news – it only requires you and your body. With weight training you need a gym membership or to invest in your own weight room which is obviously costly. The other health benefits from bodyweight training are listed below.

Benefits of Body Weight Training

  • • Easy to modify.
  • • Use multiple muscle groups at once.
  • • Improves flexibility, balance, endurance and coordination.
  • • Less injury likelihood as compared to weight lifting.
  • • Tends to burn more calories than weight training.


Both of these options are fantastic ways for you to exhaust your body and gain muscle mass. In general, if you are someone who wants to pack on weight and muscle mass, weight training should be your priority. However, if you want to stay lean and grow muscle but at a slower pace, calistenthics is your way to go. Whatever you choose to do make sure it is something you love because it doesn’t matter what you choose if you quit in a months time. Remember, long-term consistency beats short-term intensity every time.
