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All Things Men

The Top 3 New Years Resolutions For You

new years resolutions

Happy New Years! It’s 2023 now and it is the season for making New Years resolutions. Have you made New Years resolutions previously only to fail? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Studies have shown that a whopping 91% of people fail their New Years resolutions. Additionally, 80% of those people fail within the first few weeks. Although many New Years resolutions do end up failing, if you don’t try you won’t have any chance to succeed. So, without further ado, here are the top 3 New Years resolutions for you to commit to in order to level up your life.

#1: Lift Weights

man in black reebok shoes about to carry barbell

A strong body results in a strong mind. The discipline it takes in order to cultivate a strong body – from eating right, drinking right, sleeping right and consistently working out – you only grow stronger mentally. This new found mental toughness you have seeps into all facets of your life. You grow to be more confident in social situations which is key to living a successful life. If you are nervous to go to the gym for the first time, check out my article where I take you through every step you must take to dominate your first day at the gym.

#2: Drink More Water

clean clear cold drink

Your body is made up of about 60% water – it should be obvious that you need water. If this isn’t enough for you, you can only survive about three days without water. Water is absolutely essential to so many bodily functions that you must make it a priority to drink the right amount of water every day. The benefits of drinking the right amount of water include better skin, more energy, boosts athletic performance, and can aid in weight loss. The right amount of alcohol is different for everyone based on different factors such as age, gender, weight and physical activity but here is a calculator to help you determine your recommended daily water intake.

#3: Read More Books

pile of books

In this digital era we find ourselves in, with the world at our fingertips, we tend to forget the amount of knowledge in old school books. Books are a source of great, in-depth information. Experts who have studied for long periods of time have consolidated years of information into one book for you to learn. Don’t waste this information available to you – take the opportunities given to you to grow as a person. Find books in fields you are interested in and start reading them. Check out my page and scroll to the bottom for book recommendations I have regarding health and fitness.
