dappered & burly

All Things Men

Benefits of Cardio (My Experience)

dedicated ethnic sportsman amputee jogging on sandy coastline

Cardio: the word no serious weight lifter ever wants to hear. The last thing anyone wants to do after lifting heavy is hop on the treadmill for 20 minutes. Now I have been there and completely understand where you are coming from. Having said this, once you get yourself in a habit of doing some form of cardio at least a couple times a week the benefits for your body and mind are incredible [1]. In a previous article I went over the scientific, peer-reviewed studies done on the benefits of cardio, which you can find here. In this article I will go over the benefits that I have personally seen from adding cardio into my health regime.

#1: Post runners high

This idea of post runners high is well documented and it is for good reason. Once you complete your run/other cardio activity you will feel on top of the world for the next 30-45 minutes. This is a feeling you begin to chase like a drug but unlike most drugs, this one is actually healthy.

#2: Lungs feel better

In today’s polarised society there aren’t many things that the majority of people can agree on. This statement; however, should be a no brainer: breathing is very important, dare I say crucial to life. I know that might be a hot take but bare with me here. I have had times where I haven’t done cardio and times where I have. The difference in the quality of my breaths and health of my lungs makes participating in cardio unquestionably worth it.

#3: Sleep better

I’m a firm believer that you must get a sweat in every day. Cardio is one of the quickest and most efficient ways of doing this. On days where I exercise aerobically through either running, football or basketball I tend to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. If you don’t sleep well you won’t perform as well the next day. Period. If you aren’t careful this can be a vicious cycle. This in turn can severely hamper you from reaching your daily goals and thus your life goals.

photo of a woman sleeping near fluffy clouds

#4: Improves mental focus

I always seem to have better focus on the day after doing some form of cardio. I am more inclined and motivated to be disciplined and attack my goals with 100% focus on cardio days. On days where I don’t do cardio I tend to find myself scrolling on TikTok when I should be focused on my task at hand. This improved mental focus is crucial for me to perform my best at my daily activities.

pensive woman taking notes at table with laptop and cup of coffee

#5: Increased happiness

“A tired dog is a happy dog”. I remember my college roommate saying that to me after we just won a hard-earned intramural flag football game against our bitter rivals. I can definitely attest to this saying as after I do cardio and am tired everything around me just feels better. Food tastes better and even mundane things like watching TV feel better. This is probably due to the fact that you feel like you have earned that rest / entertainment instead of feeling entitled to it.

man wearing a red sweater leaning on a blue wall
